June Cake Decorator of the Month
- What did you have for breakfast this morning? Soy Yoghurt with Blueberries and Almonds. I’m very boring when it comes to breakfast and have the same every morning :-)
- How long have you been Cake Decorating for? I always loved baking but only really started to improve my cake decorating skills in 2019, finally launching Bake Woks early 2020
- Why did you choose Cake Decorating? I always had a creative side and even considered studying art and design at university but never really found that creative outlet that I felt really passionate about. Once I got into cake decorating I knew: This is it! It combines my two loves, food and art and it’s the best feeling seeing a cake coming together and being part of my customer’s special days. It always touches me how much a beautiful cake means to them and how much it is appreciated.
- In times of doubt, what do you do to get back into your creative zone? I simply have a break - this could be a walk, a power nap, a nice meal, anything that relaxes me. It also helps to get myself organised in the form of mood boards and sketches.
- Where did you learn your Cake Decorating skills? I’m self taught and found a lot of inspiration and techniques online. I watched various videos on Youtube, read countless blog posts and improved my recipes, trying to build up knowledge and learn about different cake decorating techniques. From there it was just practice, practice, practice and finding the style that I love.
- What is your typical day like, what does it entail? I love an early start and usually get up around 5:30, have a coffee, do a workout and get ready for my day. I am Head of Operations in a tech company and only have time for baking or decorating before or after work and during the weekends which means that most days start very early and end really late. But I wouldn’t want it any other way - doing something creative after a day full of meetings and sitting in front of a laptop is really wonderful.
- We know Edible Art Paint is a medium you use, what do you love about it? I love how versatile it is! You can do anything from splattering over watercolour effects to detailed painting. The feedback I get from my customers the most is how much they love the level of detail on my cakes, cookies and cupcakes and edible art paint really helps me achieve this.
- What is your #1 piece of advice for the newbies in Cake Decorating? Don’t compare yourself to others, especially in times of social media and all the pressure that comes with it. Just keep doing your thing and what you love. Enjoy doing it. Everything else will come with time.
- Who is your inspiration in the Cake Decorating world - name three (TAG THEM) Oh this is so hard! There is so much talent out there but if I had to name three it would be @sweetmammatreats @cakesandcopty @cake.serasera
- Who is your inspiration outside of the Cake Decorating world. List three. I actually have to list four: My wonderful Mum, my late Grandmother and two of my mum’s best friends who are like mothers to me. Growing up without a dad, these women raised me, taught me everything I know and are still my biggest influence and inspiration.